My Son's Favorite Toy

I have a 5 months old at home and this has been his favorite toys since he was about 3 months old. Whenever he sees the moose, even if he is tired or fussy, he smiles. We received the moose from friends when my son was born along with the Lamaze firefly. Until 3 months he didn't really pay attention to the moose and the firefly was a much bigger success.

I think its because the firefly has a large black and white side that is more appealing for newborns and had less moving parts then the moose. But when he was a little bigger and wanted to grab and shake things this became his favorite toy. He loves grabbing the legs, which are colorful and make great noises. They are also different textures so it seems as if he is discovering new things every time he plays with it.

Now that he is in a stage where everything goes into his mouth the ears are chewy and a little soft and he loves grabbing them with both hands and chewing on them. The head is pretty big too but not too big so it is perfect for him to hold with two hands and look at the eyes and head. We also really loved the texture of the moose as the body is really soft on his skin (like I mentioned, everything goes into the mouth now).

This moose is easy to carry, light and because the legs are loose I can squeeze it into any bag and take it with me. I know a lot of reviews mention this is a big toys, well it is not a small toy but we never felt it was too big or bulky for our son. One of his favorite things to do with the moose is hold it in both hands and put the moose's head inside his mouth. If a 5 months old can do that- then in my book, that is not a big toy. In short- great toy, we take it everywhere.